Sunday, July 28, 2013

39 Weeks

1 week to go! Maybe more...maybe less! Baby is keeping it exciting, that's for sure. At the doctor this week, she said that I am about 1cm dilated and 50% efface. That being said, Harper could be here anytime. Sleep has been rough this past week. I can't get comfortable, then when I do, I have to get up to pee. I wake up with my back aching, no matter what position I try or how many pillow props I use. My belly is getting heavy too. Laying on my side I can feel the weight of Harper's chubbiness. Also, I really notice how much she's weighing now when I get out of the pool!

I will see the doctor again this week. Hopefully she finds that I'm a little more dilated. Or maybe I won't even make it to that appointment. My Braxton Hicks contractions are really noticeable now. Sometimes I wonder if it's just the baby moving and putting pressure on bottom of my belly. Either way, my body is getting ready to be wonderfully tortured :) Tiredness is setting in with these restless nights. Guess I better get used to that!

Thankfully the weather has been a lot more tolerable this past week and next; keeping my ankles under control! I gained another 2 pounds since the last check-up. I've still only gained a little over 30 pounds, so that's nice. Obsession this week: Lucky Charms and Watermelon! I was also really craving fried chicken, and still am because it's so freakin good! I think we may have to get some more this week.

Watermelon: Mmmmmmmm....watermelon! How convenient! Anywhere from 19-20 inches long and weighing more than 7.5 pounds; baby keeps growing, despite being so crowded in there! Baby continues to build a layer of fat to help control body temperature after birth, and the outer layers of skin are sloughing off as new skin forms underneath. By week 39, she's probably able to flex her limbs. Her brain is still rapidly developing and she's getting smarter by the week!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

38 Weeks

This past week was so hot! Upper 90s every day. I did have the lovely opportunity to know what it's like to have swollen ankles in pregnancy! So attractive. UGH! Only two more weeks to go though! Derek and I saw the doctor Monday and Friday. Monday's appointment was very quick, heartbeat was strong and my belly measured 37 inches. No dilation at all. To get an idea of a length and weight of the baby, the doctor requested up to come in Friday for a final sonogram. During that appointment, we found out that Harper is head down and in great position! They measured her head circumference, her femur and the amniotic sac. All perfect! They estimate that she's about 19 inches long and weighs 7.5 pounds.

I did gain weight this past week, so the doctor was happy to see that. Just to make sure I won't lose again, I've been snacking more often. Still eating lots of fruit, especially watermelon! This weekend Derek and I went to the Nationals game. It was hot in the beginning, but once the sun went down and I had a funnel cake, I cooled off :)

Pumpkin: At 19 inches and 7.5 pounds, baby is good to go! She has a good grasp, which we will soon be able to test when we hold her little hand for the first time. Her organs have matured and are ready for life outside the womb. We really can't wait to see if she has hair and what color her eyes are. The anticipation is killing us! Hurry up, Harper!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

37 Weeks

Baby is full term. Meaning that she is big enough and ready for the real world! We are ready too. The hospital bag is packed, we're registered at the hospital and we've got a plan set up to contact everyone when the day comes!

This week I should have seen the doctor for a weekly exam, but due to something with their scheduling, they rescheduled the appointment from this past Friday to this coming Monday. They did say that the results of the Strep B test is negative, so that's great! Unfortunately, my iron is higher, but still lower than what is expected. I'm taking the supplements and trying to eat things with more iron; I guess Harper is just taking all of it, which is fine with us :)

Alissa and Erin came to visit this past weekend. One last weekend, just us "sisters", before they become aunts! They are super excited for the baby to be here and hoping to start babysitting soon. Just like I did for them! We went to Sonic, because they'd never been to one. For some reason, someone giving you food on roller skates is very exciting.... Our burgers and tater tots hit the spot though!

Our baby girl likely measures around 19 to 20 inches and weighs about 7 pounds. She'll continue to gain about a 1/2 ounce a day too. During week 37, baby's practicing some skills: inhaling, exhaling, sucking, gripping and blinking. If I went into labor now, her lungs a mature enough to fully adjust to life outside the womb.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

36 Weeks

One month to go. I start seeing the doctor once a week now. On Friday's visit, Harper's heart was beating at 150 beats per minute and my belly is measuring up just fine. She's growing right on schedule, so that's good. I've gained another 4 pounds. I got my blood drawn, one last time, to make sure my iron count is ok. This appointment I was also swabbed for the Strep B bacteria. It's not uncommon for many mothers to be a carrier, so for precautionary reasons, they test for it. Even with no symptoms, a mother can carry the bacteria and transfer it to the baby during birth. I should have my results soon. If it's positive, I am given antibiotics when I go into labor.

I'm getting a bit more uncomfortable sleeping at night or even sitting on the couch. Needless to say, when I do get comfortable, she moves around and kicks my ribs or squishes down on my bladder. I can really tell that she's running out of room fast! I've noticed that she may be pushing into my stomach too because I can't eat as much as I was the past 8 months. So, I just eat more often! Watermelon is still like a drug. I seriously think my eyes roll back into my head and I sink into oblivion for a millisecond when it touches my taste buds!

Honeydew: Baby is still packing on the pounds - at the rate of about an ounce a day. About 18 inches long and just under 6 pounds, our baby girl is almost full term! She's getting closer and closer to being able to breathe on her own. Her skin is getting smooth and soft and her gums are rigid. Her liver and kidneys are in working order. Circulation and immune systems are basically good to go, too.