Tuesday, September 10, 2013

1 Month

One fast, exciting, wonderful and tiring month! Every single minute is amazing when spending time with our new daughter. Harper is perfect and we love our new life as a family.

Harper is now 11 pounds, 4 ounces and measures 22.5 inches long. The doctor says she's in the 95th percentile! She should be growing based on the amount she eats! I'm nursing her and she eats every two hours, sometimes less! It's exhausting, but I'm not complaining. She's going to be a big girl, which we knew since the day she was born.

All of Harper's check-ups have been perfect. She'll return in a month for another well visit. At that point, we can begin taking her out in public, which Derek and I can't wait for! It will make running errands and going to dinner so much easier!

We continue to have many visitors and Harper is showered with love, hugs and kisses from family and friends every day. There's still many people to meet, so we will stay busy. She tries to hold her head up and loves to be held over our shoulder, so she can look around. She has a play mat that she likes to entertain her too. I sing to her and she stares at me in wonderment. Maybe she's sending vibes to tell me I'm an awful singer!

Harper loves to look at faces and interact. She's very alert and seems to change every day! She's a blessing! Her cord came off, so she had her first bath a couple weeks ago. With a head of dark hair at birth, it's beginning to fall out. Will it grow back dark or a different color? Her eyes are still blue, but that could change too.
So many things to still look forward to...