Monday, December 9, 2013

4 Months

Harper had an amazing month! She had a lot of firsts! The best one is her laugh. Sometimes she laughs when you scare her, other times when you tickle her. Either way, we LOVE it! Another first is that she found her feet. Now she won't leave them alone. If she has socks on, she pulls them off a million times a day. She actually got her toes in her mouth just the other day! Her first taste of yummy rice cereal was just as exciting for her as it was for Derek and I. She had cereal all over the place. It took her a while to get used to the spoon and swallowing. The first few feedings she just spit it all back out. Needless to say, she needed a bath right afterwards. I can only imagine what it will be like at 5 months when we can start giving her solid foods. She'll have sweet potatoes in places unimaginable....

Harper remains in the 95th percentile for her height and weight. She weighs just under 16 pounds and is 26 inches long. As much as she eats, no wonder she's getting so big! When she sees us eat, she watches us like a hawk. She's drinking out of the bottle exclusively now. Since I was in the hospital for 2 days when I had to have my appendix removed, luckily I'd began pumping breast milk for reserve. Then I couldn't nurse her for the next week because of my incisions. Harper is one smart lady because it took her no time to get used to the bottle. I continue to pump for her bottles and when she sees that bottle, she gets super excited. Reaching for it and kicking her little legs!

She's cooing and "talking" a lot more too. Her head control is great and she doesn't really like laying back anymore and relaxing. Tummy time has turned into roll-over time for Harper. She still gets aggravated when on her tummy too long, but she's learned to roll over to her back. When she's on her back, she can get onto her side, but still hasn't perfected the art of rolling onto her tummy. I'm sure she'll be sitting up like a champ in another month or two!

Everything, and I mean everything, goes into her mouth! The doctor said today that she sees little bumps in her gums where her teeth are starting to appear. The drool is uncontrollable and we need to keep a bib on her all the time. She really likes chewing on her fingers and there are times that she sticks them in too much and gags herself. It doesn't stop her from doing it over and over again though... With all the drool in her mouth, she spits all over the place and loves blowing bubbles and making fart noises all day long. What a sense of humor! Who does she get that from?