This week I had my next check up. I'll be going once a month for the next few months. The appointment today consisted of a blood draw called AFP. This blood test checks for spinal cord abnormalities. I also got to hear the baby's heartbeat again, 144 beats per minute! Dr. Mercado went over all the results from my tests the other week. All of my blood tests came back normal and the specialist's report confirmed that we have no concern for any type of genetic disorders. My next appointment is scheduled for the 6th of March. Derek and I are looking forward to that visit because we get to find out the sex of Little Baby Newton!
I can't complain about anything this week. I've been feeling great and eating well! I've gained 3 pounds since a couple weeks ago. Normal weight gain is about 5 to 10 pounds in the first trimester, so I'm good to go :) As you can see, the bump is getting there. I still feel like I just look like a bloated person sometimes. I'm not fitting in my jeans anymore without having to leave the button open. I learned a trick on Pinterest where I can attach the button and hole using a hair elastic! (Ghetto, but it works.) The right amount of extra room for my bump and I can still wear my designer jeans. I'm still not feeling any baby movement, but should in another 2-3 weeks as the baby almost doubles in size. No cravings in particular this week, just eating every few hours. I think this week I'll have to treat myself to another Krispy Kreme when I get the "Hot Light" notification on my phone. It's the little things....
APPLE: Growing baby now measures about 4 inches long, crown to rump, and weighs in at about 2.5 ounces. He or She is busy moving amniotic fluid thought the nose and upper respiratory tract, which helps the primitive air sacs in the lungs begin to develop. Baby Newton's legs are growing longer than his or her arms now, and he or she can move all those tiny joints and limbs. Eyelids are still fused shut, but can sense light and taste buds are forming.
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