Sunday, August 4, 2013

40 Weeks

Harper! Lynne! Newton! Get out of there!

Here we are. Staring my due date in the face, and baby still isn't here. We know it's an estimation, but this past week has been long and we're looking forward to meeting her! The anticipation is killing us! Derek and I went to have a nice dinner out on Friday night. I've got food prepared and stocked in the freezer, the bag's been packed and we cleaned the entire house this past weekend. This whole "nesting" stage is complete and we're running out of things to do to keep ourselves busy. I've eaten the spicy foods and walked multiple times a day this past week too.
Harper obviously just wants to be fashionably late to this party!

Comfortable? What's that? Haven't felt it in about 2 weeks. Sleep? Not a good nights rest for 2 nights in a row for at least a couple weeks. I've gained another pound since last week. That's a total weight gain of 35 pounds! The doctor examined me and said I'm really not anymore dilated than I was last week. Our hopes of Harper being born this weekend are dwindling. My contractions are random and don't hurt at all, just feel like cramping in my lower abdomen. They are never strong enough or consistent enough to make me think I'm in active labor either. So we wait!

We go to see Dr. Mercado Monday. I'll have a sonogram again to check the fluid around the baby. They will also check her vitals and monitor her to see if we should schedule induction. They don't let pregnancies go past 41 weeks anymore, so at this time next week, we will be happy, lucky, tired parents!

Most babies who make it to 40 weeks are estimated to be around 8-9 pounds and about 20 inches long. Her movements are definitely slowing down because she's running out of room! She's fully developed, so the only thing she can do this week is fatten up :)  

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