Friday, October 11, 2013

2 Months

Two months already? Crazy! It's been another awesome month with our new little girl. Harper continues to amaze us and make us the happiest parents ever! She's been sleeping much better, which is good news for Mommy. Finally getting anywhere from 6-8 hours of sleep at night is an outstanding milestone, especially when I LOVE my sleep. No matter how tired I am, when I see her face at 4am and she looks at me, my heart melts.

Smiles, and lots of them. More by the day. It's so exciting when you get her to smile at you. She's such a happy baby too. She loves to kick and play in her gym that lays on the floor. She's starting to grab things now and hold onto them. Her little Wubbanub pacifiers are a monkey and an elephant. It's so cute the way she wraps her fingers around them and hold on tight before bed. Harper holds her head up pretty well too. She's still a bit wobbly but tummy time is less irritating now.

Now that she's more than 6 weeks old, we've been comfortable taking her out in public. Her first shopping trip to Target left her exhausted. Hee hee! She fell asleep soon after. We've been going for walks and she loves her stroller. I think she's going to love being outdoors and exploring. The stroller, just like the car, doesn't take long to lull Harper to sleep though. We've been meeting my grandparents for lunch once a week now. Trips to the mall and to lunch are fun for her to see different places and get to spend time with Mommom and Gaga.

Harper had her 2 month check up with the pediatrician last week. She had to get immunizations. Poor thing cried just for a few minutes and then fell asleep. What a stressful afternoon that was! I wanted to ask for a sticker or a lollipop because I thought she deserved it, even if I'm then one that would enjoy it :) Harper now weighs 13 pounds, 2 ounces and is 24 inches long. This girl is growing! She's in the 95th percentile and everything else looks great. Happy and Healthy. Bring on month 3!

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