Tuesday, May 13, 2014

9 Months

9 Months old and another busy month. Harper now has 6 teeth! All 4 top teeth came in within the same week. She struggled a little more with these teeth than the bottom ones. Her gums were pretty red and there was a LOT of drool and chewing. Thank goodness for frozen washcloths and motrin!

Last month was H's first Easter. She got some Blu-Ray movies to start her movie collection, books, and Itty Bittys from Hallmark. Thanks to her Aunties, Erin and Alissa, for starting her collection. They are the cutest little stuffed animals, just the perfect size for her little hands. She "reads" her books and likes to have small board books to hold onto, not always right side up....Every car ride, she has 2 books that we hear her "reading" to us. She points to things and is very animated with her story telling :)

Still not crawling, but getting close. She gets up on her knees and attempts to start, maybe moving one hand and lifting her knee, but she either decides at that point to let her belly hit the ground and get mad, or just go back to a sitting position. She really gets aggravated at us when the item she wants is far from her and we are trying to get her to go get it. We try to help her and she sometimes goes with it, but sometimes, just gets red in the face like she wants to tell us off! The baby's got attitude and patience is NOT her strong suit!

She does like to climb and pull up on everything. She has a table that has lights and sounds, which she will stand at for 15-20 minutes and laugh, yell, smile and "dance". She may walk and not crawl, we'll just have to wait and see what she decides to do. Either way, we want her to have more independence and move around but then again....we can't imagine how crazy it's going to be when we have to chase her everywhere!

Eating is still her best ability. This child loves food and cant get enough. Her food has been made a little more chunky and she's getting the hang of chewing. She really likes bananas, blueberries, avocado, mango, chicken, peas and corn. Harper seems to really like feeding herself too, sometimes not wanting us to feed her with the spoon. She tries taking the spoon from us and grabbing the food off the spoon. Again, she's got attitude! She L.O.V.E.s to snack on puffs! We call her the Puff Monster. They kind of turn to mush when they're in her mouth and they come in all sorts of flavors. We mix them all up, but she's not picky about any flavor! H will have just been given a meal and milk, but if she sees puffs....she's still hungry :)

Harper can wave bye bye and clap. She still likes to suck on her toes. She says Mama and Dada a lot. Talking and yelling are now an everyday thing. She babbles and we have conversations. Wish we knew what she was really telling us.... We watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and she gets so excited when Mickey comes on TV. She likes to dance when the Hot Dog song plays at the end (with our help). You'll know when H is excited about anything because she breaks out the Lion Face! It's hilarious and funny very time she does it, which is a million and one times a day. This child just continues to be loved by o many people and always seems to make everyday an exciting, new adventure!

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