What a busy week! Three great things happened; my mom flew in from Florida for a long weekend, the baby shower was wonderful and we revealed the baby's name! Miss Harper Lynne Newton. The name "Harper" has a 'rock-n-roll' influence, thanks to Derek. Her middle name, "Lynne", is after Derek's father's middle name. Although Harper won't get to grow up knowing him, we will make sure she knows all about him and how much he loves her.
We are so blessed to be surrounded by a loving family and such great friends! Our shower, or Baby Bump Open House as we called it, was full of everyone we love and it was perfect! We are getting more prepared now for when this little girl makes her arrival. Getting everything put away somewhere is the biggest task and we're still not done figuring all that out! Thank you to everyone that gave a generous gift and 'showered' Harper with love!
Eat and be merry! Baby's doing most of her plumping up over the next month, so I've been more hungry. All the food at the party was fantastic. I'm still craving peanut butter and jelly sandwiches like crazy. I also can't go with out orange juice in the morning and a bowl of cereal in the evening before bed. It's no surprise that I'm still eating the hell out of some watermelon as the summer months roll in!
She's been moving and squirming more this week. Baby weighs almost 5 pounds and measures between 17 and 19 inches. She's turning into a curious kid who can keep her eyes open while awake, and she's starting to coordinate her breathing with her sucking and swallowing. Those baby bones are continuing to harden as well.
You're amazing! Keep at it, you two. Can't wait to meet the little Miss Harper! Hopefully I can get her gifty out before she is!