Sunday, June 30, 2013

35 Weeks

How fast time is going by! We can't believe Harper will be here in about a month. It's safe to say that I think we are getting a little nervous. I began putting together the bag for the hospital and getting us preregistered this week. We are going to have a birth plan prepared, but I'm sure as soon as this little girl is ready to come out, everything we've "planned" will get thrown out the window! Aaaaaahhhhh...... parenthood!

If you've ever eaten a caramel and chocolate covered apple from Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory, then you know how wonderfully delicious they are. Well, they are 10 times better when you are pregnant! On a trip to celebrate a friend's birthday in NoVa this past weekend, we made a pit stop on the way home at Potomac Mills. When I saw the sign, I nearly RAN to get in line. I asked Derek if we should get two, but he let me eat it without sharing :) I'm still eating too much watermelon and pineapple. Cold fruit on a hot summer's day is just the bees knees....

At 35 weeks, she continues to fatten up and run out of room. It's getting a little more difficult to sleep comfortably. My legs have been restless, so I've been walking with Derek more in the evenings when he runs. The extra walking and exercise have helped wear my legs out, that's for sure. When I hit the pillow at night, I'm out pretty quickly, but up an hour or two later to use the bathroom or turn to my other side. The hiccups continue to amuse me because they are so cute, but the legs poking into my ribs could happen less often. I've begun having Braxton Hicks contractions. Nothing at all severe, just a little cramping. It's more in the evening that I notice them.

Our little girl is about the size of a coconut this week. She's around 18 inches long and weighs 5 pounds! By week 35, these systems are all a go: hearing is fully developed, the circulatory and musculoskeletal systems are complete and her lungs are mature. Again, her main focus is to put on weight from here on out! Grow Baby Grow, we can't wait to see your cute, fat face!

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