Six more weeks to go! I saw the doctor this past week. Harper's heart was beating at 157 beats per minute. My belly measures 32 inches and I've gained.... GULP.....30 Pounds! The doctor said that Derek and I should go ahead and preregister at the hospital and start putting our hospital bag together. The day will be here before we know it and that makes us even more excited!
She's been moving around so much and really starting to run out of room. My breathing is getting heavier when I do simple things like walk up and down the steps or make the bed. At night, I'm having more trouble getting comfortable too. Then, once I do fall asleep, I have to get up to pee.
Cantaloupe: Baby weighs in at about 5 pounds and measures about 18 inches. Fat-layers - which help regulate the baby's body temperature after birth - are filling her out, making her rounder. Her skin is smoother than ever. Harper's central nervous system is maturing and her lungs are continuing to mature as well.
Keep at it, Cnu! You too, Harper!!