Monday, December 9, 2013

4 Months

Harper had an amazing month! She had a lot of firsts! The best one is her laugh. Sometimes she laughs when you scare her, other times when you tickle her. Either way, we LOVE it! Another first is that she found her feet. Now she won't leave them alone. If she has socks on, she pulls them off a million times a day. She actually got her toes in her mouth just the other day! Her first taste of yummy rice cereal was just as exciting for her as it was for Derek and I. She had cereal all over the place. It took her a while to get used to the spoon and swallowing. The first few feedings she just spit it all back out. Needless to say, she needed a bath right afterwards. I can only imagine what it will be like at 5 months when we can start giving her solid foods. She'll have sweet potatoes in places unimaginable....

Harper remains in the 95th percentile for her height and weight. She weighs just under 16 pounds and is 26 inches long. As much as she eats, no wonder she's getting so big! When she sees us eat, she watches us like a hawk. She's drinking out of the bottle exclusively now. Since I was in the hospital for 2 days when I had to have my appendix removed, luckily I'd began pumping breast milk for reserve. Then I couldn't nurse her for the next week because of my incisions. Harper is one smart lady because it took her no time to get used to the bottle. I continue to pump for her bottles and when she sees that bottle, she gets super excited. Reaching for it and kicking her little legs!

She's cooing and "talking" a lot more too. Her head control is great and she doesn't really like laying back anymore and relaxing. Tummy time has turned into roll-over time for Harper. She still gets aggravated when on her tummy too long, but she's learned to roll over to her back. When she's on her back, she can get onto her side, but still hasn't perfected the art of rolling onto her tummy. I'm sure she'll be sitting up like a champ in another month or two!

Everything, and I mean everything, goes into her mouth! The doctor said today that she sees little bumps in her gums where her teeth are starting to appear. The drool is uncontrollable and we need to keep a bib on her all the time. She really likes chewing on her fingers and there are times that she sticks them in too much and gags herself. It doesn't stop her from doing it over and over again though... With all the drool in her mouth, she spits all over the place and loves blowing bubbles and making fart noises all day long. What a sense of humor! Who does she get that from?

Monday, November 11, 2013

3 Months

Harper had a very exciting month! Derek and I took her on her first beach trip to the Outer Banks. It was such a beautiful fall day and sunny. She didn't seem to mind the wind and we got some great pictures of her toes in the sand. After that long Columbus Day weekend in North Carolina, we visited Harper's Aunt Alissa and Aunt Erin for an annual birthday celebratory dinner at Sweetwater. Our chocolate waffles are always the best part.

After that, we stayed a night in Philly while Derek and Donnie went to a Pearl Jam concert. The next day, we flew to Florida to visit Nonnie. Harper did really well on all the long car rides, sleeping the whole time.The plane ride and entire airport experience was pretty good too. Harper tends to get fussy right before she falls asleep, so about 30 minutes into the flight to Florida she fought me and started crying. It only lasted a minute or two, but felt like an eternity knowing that people on the plane were probably cursing her and I under their breath. She slept the rest of the flight and woke up as we were deboarding.

Florida was nice and HOT! It was such a perfect week staying with my Mom and having Harper spend so much time with her Nonnie. She hadn't seen her since the week she was born. Everyday, we stayed busy visiting Siesta Key Beach, Venice Beach, shopping and just relaxing in the pool. We will be going back for Thanksgiving and can't wait! Harper was a pumpkin for her first Halloween, just like her cousin Regan was for her first Halloween. She was a little cutie in her costume, but her hat was a little too small :)

On top of that busy month, Harper continues to learn new things and amaze Derek and I everyday. She's sitting up a lot more and really doesn't like to lay down. She is getting heavy at 15 pounds and 25 inches long! She has gotten great at grabbing things and holding onto them. Her focus is improving and she will follow your movements flawlessly. Her new trick the past week is blowing spit bubbles. It's constant fart sounds out of her cute little lips. I think she gets a kick out of it too, because we laugh and encourage it, of course! What will be the new thing next month?

Friday, October 11, 2013

2 Months

Two months already? Crazy! It's been another awesome month with our new little girl. Harper continues to amaze us and make us the happiest parents ever! She's been sleeping much better, which is good news for Mommy. Finally getting anywhere from 6-8 hours of sleep at night is an outstanding milestone, especially when I LOVE my sleep. No matter how tired I am, when I see her face at 4am and she looks at me, my heart melts.

Smiles, and lots of them. More by the day. It's so exciting when you get her to smile at you. She's such a happy baby too. She loves to kick and play in her gym that lays on the floor. She's starting to grab things now and hold onto them. Her little Wubbanub pacifiers are a monkey and an elephant. It's so cute the way she wraps her fingers around them and hold on tight before bed. Harper holds her head up pretty well too. She's still a bit wobbly but tummy time is less irritating now.

Now that she's more than 6 weeks old, we've been comfortable taking her out in public. Her first shopping trip to Target left her exhausted. Hee hee! She fell asleep soon after. We've been going for walks and she loves her stroller. I think she's going to love being outdoors and exploring. The stroller, just like the car, doesn't take long to lull Harper to sleep though. We've been meeting my grandparents for lunch once a week now. Trips to the mall and to lunch are fun for her to see different places and get to spend time with Mommom and Gaga.

Harper had her 2 month check up with the pediatrician last week. She had to get immunizations. Poor thing cried just for a few minutes and then fell asleep. What a stressful afternoon that was! I wanted to ask for a sticker or a lollipop because I thought she deserved it, even if I'm then one that would enjoy it :) Harper now weighs 13 pounds, 2 ounces and is 24 inches long. This girl is growing! She's in the 95th percentile and everything else looks great. Happy and Healthy. Bring on month 3!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

1 Month

One fast, exciting, wonderful and tiring month! Every single minute is amazing when spending time with our new daughter. Harper is perfect and we love our new life as a family.

Harper is now 11 pounds, 4 ounces and measures 22.5 inches long. The doctor says she's in the 95th percentile! She should be growing based on the amount she eats! I'm nursing her and she eats every two hours, sometimes less! It's exhausting, but I'm not complaining. She's going to be a big girl, which we knew since the day she was born.

All of Harper's check-ups have been perfect. She'll return in a month for another well visit. At that point, we can begin taking her out in public, which Derek and I can't wait for! It will make running errands and going to dinner so much easier!

We continue to have many visitors and Harper is showered with love, hugs and kisses from family and friends every day. There's still many people to meet, so we will stay busy. She tries to hold her head up and loves to be held over our shoulder, so she can look around. She has a play mat that she likes to entertain her too. I sing to her and she stares at me in wonderment. Maybe she's sending vibes to tell me I'm an awful singer!

Harper loves to look at faces and interact. She's very alert and seems to change every day! She's a blessing! Her cord came off, so she had her first bath a couple weeks ago. With a head of dark hair at birth, it's beginning to fall out. Will it grow back dark or a different color? Her eyes are still blue, but that could change too.
So many things to still look forward to...

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

She's arrived!

Harper Lynne Newton

Born August 9, 2013 at 1:51am

8 pounds, 14 ounces, 21.5 inches long

Derek and I are so happy to announce the arrival of our little girl! She's the most amazing, sweet child and we look forward to our new life as a family. The past few days home have been wonderful. She's sleeping and eating well. We love staring at her every moment of the day, even if she's just laying in our arms. She seems to change everyday! It's truly awesome.

Her journey here was not so pleasant. After 9 months of an easy pregnancy with no complications, she sure made Mommy work hard her last hours in utero. Labor began on Tuesday with what I thought was my water breaking. I was told by Dr. Mercado to head to the hospital, so Derek and I got there and were put in a triage room where they hooked me up to a fetal heartbeat monitor and a contraction monitor. The nurse tested the fluid, but it was not testing positive for amniotic fluid; meaning my water didn't break. So they kept us in the room for a few hours and kept testing it, had me walk around the hospital for an hour and watched my contractions. Nothing changed and I stayed only 2cm dilated; we were sent home. We were disappointed and confused about why I was having a water discharge but no painful contractions. We had to wait until another day...

All day Wednesday, the fluid continued to flow. We went to bed early because I was feeling really tired. A little after midnight, I woke up with significant contractions. Painful cramps occurring every 3-5 minutes lasting about 30 seconds each time. Around 5am, we left for the hospital. I was already scheduled to induce labor but when I announced that I'd had contractions for the past few hours, they didn't want to start the induction right away. Maybe Harper would arrive on her own terms and we were happy to see if that was the case. Again, hooking me up to a fetal heartbeat monitor and contraction monitor, the wait began. A few hours into labor and I was still only 3cm dilated, so they started the pitocin. The pitocin is used to induce labor, so they started with a small amount and when I didn't progress as the hours ticked by, the amount was increased.

IV in arm, pitocin cranked up to 11 (out of 20), dilated 4cm and it's 2pm. I'm getting tired and Harper is no where closer to being here than she was at 6am. Dr. Mercado found that there was still a blockage and the amniotic sac had not been fully open, so she "broke my water" fully, turned the pitocin up another 2 increments and we were told it should be progressing faster and that our baby should be with us soon. My contractions, even though I wasn't feeling them, were coming every minute now. The anesthesiologist came into my room and administered my epidural. I didn't want to feel the pain when the real big contractions started and didn't want to miss my window if I went into active labor very soon.

My legs are numb, my belly is numb and I'm getting sick of laying in the hospital bed. Derek, family and friends are by my side as we wait. I'm not dilating any further than 6cm and the pressure I feel is not pleasant. The pitocin is now up to 17 and Dr. Mercado discovers upon examination that the baby's head is turned sideways, where she should have her head facing down. For the next 3 hours, I;m put in different positions to try to get her to turn back the right way. Harper didn't move. My blood pressure was getting higher and around 12am, I developed a fever. At 8cm, the doctor does another exam and finds that Harper's head has been too low for too long and that I'm not progressing enough to deliver her naturally. Exhausted, my only option was cesarean.

The anesthesiologist came into my room and I'm given more numbing. The world was spinning. Derek and I were so tired that the next few hours are a bit of a blur. He's given a full set of scrubs and I'm rushed into a surgical room surrounded by at least 10 people. I don't feel anything below my chest. We are told about all the prep and what I will and won't feel during the c-section. We were told it would be done in 30 minutes. Laying on the bed with a big blue curtain in front of my face, the only thing I want to do is talk to Derek and look at him. We are both tired, scared and nervous, but extremely anxious!

Before we knew it, we heard her cries. Harper was out and healthy! The nurses and Derek took her to a table to clean her up and tag her. Derek was given a tag like hers and took pictures of our baby being measured and weighed. I'm given my tag as I'm being stitched up. They lay Harper on my chest for what felt like seconds before having to take her away again. When I'm done, I'm rolled into a recovery room where Derek and Harper are waiting for me. Tears filled our eyes as we say our first 'hellos' to our little girl.

We finally were taken to our room at 4am. The family and friends who were still at the hospital got to see Harper very quickly before going home. She had so many visitors and she is one lucky girl to have so many people love her so much even though she's only days old! At the hospital, our room was filled with visitors who couldn't wait to meet Harper. It was such a great feeling to be surrounded by so many. Harper stayed in our room with us the entire weekend. She continued to be monitored and checked, along with me, on our condition and were able to go home Sunday.

Being at home the past few days has been great. Harper is an excellent eater and sleeper. She's cried only a few times, hungry and being impatient and then when we gave her a sponge bath. We can't wait to keep everyone posted with how she's doing, so stay tuned...

Sunday, August 4, 2013

40 Weeks

Harper! Lynne! Newton! Get out of there!

Here we are. Staring my due date in the face, and baby still isn't here. We know it's an estimation, but this past week has been long and we're looking forward to meeting her! The anticipation is killing us! Derek and I went to have a nice dinner out on Friday night. I've got food prepared and stocked in the freezer, the bag's been packed and we cleaned the entire house this past weekend. This whole "nesting" stage is complete and we're running out of things to do to keep ourselves busy. I've eaten the spicy foods and walked multiple times a day this past week too.
Harper obviously just wants to be fashionably late to this party!

Comfortable? What's that? Haven't felt it in about 2 weeks. Sleep? Not a good nights rest for 2 nights in a row for at least a couple weeks. I've gained another pound since last week. That's a total weight gain of 35 pounds! The doctor examined me and said I'm really not anymore dilated than I was last week. Our hopes of Harper being born this weekend are dwindling. My contractions are random and don't hurt at all, just feel like cramping in my lower abdomen. They are never strong enough or consistent enough to make me think I'm in active labor either. So we wait!

We go to see Dr. Mercado Monday. I'll have a sonogram again to check the fluid around the baby. They will also check her vitals and monitor her to see if we should schedule induction. They don't let pregnancies go past 41 weeks anymore, so at this time next week, we will be happy, lucky, tired parents!

Most babies who make it to 40 weeks are estimated to be around 8-9 pounds and about 20 inches long. Her movements are definitely slowing down because she's running out of room! She's fully developed, so the only thing she can do this week is fatten up :)  

Sunday, July 28, 2013

39 Weeks

1 week to go! Maybe more...maybe less! Baby is keeping it exciting, that's for sure. At the doctor this week, she said that I am about 1cm dilated and 50% efface. That being said, Harper could be here anytime. Sleep has been rough this past week. I can't get comfortable, then when I do, I have to get up to pee. I wake up with my back aching, no matter what position I try or how many pillow props I use. My belly is getting heavy too. Laying on my side I can feel the weight of Harper's chubbiness. Also, I really notice how much she's weighing now when I get out of the pool!

I will see the doctor again this week. Hopefully she finds that I'm a little more dilated. Or maybe I won't even make it to that appointment. My Braxton Hicks contractions are really noticeable now. Sometimes I wonder if it's just the baby moving and putting pressure on bottom of my belly. Either way, my body is getting ready to be wonderfully tortured :) Tiredness is setting in with these restless nights. Guess I better get used to that!

Thankfully the weather has been a lot more tolerable this past week and next; keeping my ankles under control! I gained another 2 pounds since the last check-up. I've still only gained a little over 30 pounds, so that's nice. Obsession this week: Lucky Charms and Watermelon! I was also really craving fried chicken, and still am because it's so freakin good! I think we may have to get some more this week.

Watermelon: Mmmmmmmm....watermelon! How convenient! Anywhere from 19-20 inches long and weighing more than 7.5 pounds; baby keeps growing, despite being so crowded in there! Baby continues to build a layer of fat to help control body temperature after birth, and the outer layers of skin are sloughing off as new skin forms underneath. By week 39, she's probably able to flex her limbs. Her brain is still rapidly developing and she's getting smarter by the week!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

38 Weeks

This past week was so hot! Upper 90s every day. I did have the lovely opportunity to know what it's like to have swollen ankles in pregnancy! So attractive. UGH! Only two more weeks to go though! Derek and I saw the doctor Monday and Friday. Monday's appointment was very quick, heartbeat was strong and my belly measured 37 inches. No dilation at all. To get an idea of a length and weight of the baby, the doctor requested up to come in Friday for a final sonogram. During that appointment, we found out that Harper is head down and in great position! They measured her head circumference, her femur and the amniotic sac. All perfect! They estimate that she's about 19 inches long and weighs 7.5 pounds.

I did gain weight this past week, so the doctor was happy to see that. Just to make sure I won't lose again, I've been snacking more often. Still eating lots of fruit, especially watermelon! This weekend Derek and I went to the Nationals game. It was hot in the beginning, but once the sun went down and I had a funnel cake, I cooled off :)

Pumpkin: At 19 inches and 7.5 pounds, baby is good to go! She has a good grasp, which we will soon be able to test when we hold her little hand for the first time. Her organs have matured and are ready for life outside the womb. We really can't wait to see if she has hair and what color her eyes are. The anticipation is killing us! Hurry up, Harper!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

37 Weeks

Baby is full term. Meaning that she is big enough and ready for the real world! We are ready too. The hospital bag is packed, we're registered at the hospital and we've got a plan set up to contact everyone when the day comes!

This week I should have seen the doctor for a weekly exam, but due to something with their scheduling, they rescheduled the appointment from this past Friday to this coming Monday. They did say that the results of the Strep B test is negative, so that's great! Unfortunately, my iron is higher, but still lower than what is expected. I'm taking the supplements and trying to eat things with more iron; I guess Harper is just taking all of it, which is fine with us :)

Alissa and Erin came to visit this past weekend. One last weekend, just us "sisters", before they become aunts! They are super excited for the baby to be here and hoping to start babysitting soon. Just like I did for them! We went to Sonic, because they'd never been to one. For some reason, someone giving you food on roller skates is very exciting.... Our burgers and tater tots hit the spot though!

Our baby girl likely measures around 19 to 20 inches and weighs about 7 pounds. She'll continue to gain about a 1/2 ounce a day too. During week 37, baby's practicing some skills: inhaling, exhaling, sucking, gripping and blinking. If I went into labor now, her lungs a mature enough to fully adjust to life outside the womb.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

36 Weeks

One month to go. I start seeing the doctor once a week now. On Friday's visit, Harper's heart was beating at 150 beats per minute and my belly is measuring up just fine. She's growing right on schedule, so that's good. I've gained another 4 pounds. I got my blood drawn, one last time, to make sure my iron count is ok. This appointment I was also swabbed for the Strep B bacteria. It's not uncommon for many mothers to be a carrier, so for precautionary reasons, they test for it. Even with no symptoms, a mother can carry the bacteria and transfer it to the baby during birth. I should have my results soon. If it's positive, I am given antibiotics when I go into labor.

I'm getting a bit more uncomfortable sleeping at night or even sitting on the couch. Needless to say, when I do get comfortable, she moves around and kicks my ribs or squishes down on my bladder. I can really tell that she's running out of room fast! I've noticed that she may be pushing into my stomach too because I can't eat as much as I was the past 8 months. So, I just eat more often! Watermelon is still like a drug. I seriously think my eyes roll back into my head and I sink into oblivion for a millisecond when it touches my taste buds!

Honeydew: Baby is still packing on the pounds - at the rate of about an ounce a day. About 18 inches long and just under 6 pounds, our baby girl is almost full term! She's getting closer and closer to being able to breathe on her own. Her skin is getting smooth and soft and her gums are rigid. Her liver and kidneys are in working order. Circulation and immune systems are basically good to go, too.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

35 Weeks

How fast time is going by! We can't believe Harper will be here in about a month. It's safe to say that I think we are getting a little nervous. I began putting together the bag for the hospital and getting us preregistered this week. We are going to have a birth plan prepared, but I'm sure as soon as this little girl is ready to come out, everything we've "planned" will get thrown out the window! Aaaaaahhhhh...... parenthood!

If you've ever eaten a caramel and chocolate covered apple from Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory, then you know how wonderfully delicious they are. Well, they are 10 times better when you are pregnant! On a trip to celebrate a friend's birthday in NoVa this past weekend, we made a pit stop on the way home at Potomac Mills. When I saw the sign, I nearly RAN to get in line. I asked Derek if we should get two, but he let me eat it without sharing :) I'm still eating too much watermelon and pineapple. Cold fruit on a hot summer's day is just the bees knees....

At 35 weeks, she continues to fatten up and run out of room. It's getting a little more difficult to sleep comfortably. My legs have been restless, so I've been walking with Derek more in the evenings when he runs. The extra walking and exercise have helped wear my legs out, that's for sure. When I hit the pillow at night, I'm out pretty quickly, but up an hour or two later to use the bathroom or turn to my other side. The hiccups continue to amuse me because they are so cute, but the legs poking into my ribs could happen less often. I've begun having Braxton Hicks contractions. Nothing at all severe, just a little cramping. It's more in the evening that I notice them.

Our little girl is about the size of a coconut this week. She's around 18 inches long and weighs 5 pounds! By week 35, these systems are all a go: hearing is fully developed, the circulatory and musculoskeletal systems are complete and her lungs are mature. Again, her main focus is to put on weight from here on out! Grow Baby Grow, we can't wait to see your cute, fat face!

Monday, June 24, 2013

34 Weeks

Six more weeks to go! I saw the doctor this past week. Harper's heart was beating at 157 beats per minute. My belly measures 32 inches and I've gained.... GULP.....30 Pounds! The doctor said that Derek and I should go ahead and preregister at the hospital and start putting our hospital bag together. The day will be here before we know it and that makes us even more excited!

She's been moving around so much and really starting to run out of room. My breathing is getting heavier when I do simple things like walk up and down the steps or make the bed. At night, I'm having more trouble getting comfortable too. Then, once I do fall asleep, I have to get up to pee.

Cantaloupe: Baby weighs in at about 5 pounds and measures about 18 inches. Fat-layers - which help regulate the baby's body temperature after birth - are filling her out, making her rounder. Her skin is smoother than ever. Harper's central nervous system is maturing and her lungs are continuing to mature as well. 

Monday, June 17, 2013

33 Weeks

What a busy week! Three great things happened; my mom flew in from Florida for a long weekend, the baby shower was wonderful and we revealed the baby's name!  Miss Harper Lynne Newton. The name "Harper" has a 'rock-n-roll' influence, thanks to Derek. Her middle name, "Lynne", is after Derek's father's middle name. Although Harper won't get to grow up knowing him, we will make sure she knows all about him and how much he loves her.

We are so blessed to be surrounded by a loving family and such great friends! Our shower, or Baby Bump Open House as we called it, was full of everyone we love and it was perfect! We are getting more prepared now for when this little girl makes her arrival. Getting everything put away somewhere is the biggest task and we're still not done figuring all that out! Thank you to everyone that gave a generous gift and 'showered' Harper with love!

Eat and be merry! Baby's doing most of her plumping up over the next month, so I've been more hungry. All the food at the party was fantastic. I'm still craving peanut butter and jelly sandwiches like crazy. I also can't go with out orange juice in the morning and a bowl of cereal in the evening before bed. It's no surprise that I'm still eating the hell out of some watermelon as the summer months roll in!

She's been moving and squirming more this week. Baby weighs almost 5 pounds and measures between 17 and 19 inches. She's turning into a curious kid who can keep her eyes open while awake, and she's starting to coordinate her breathing with her sucking and swallowing. Those baby bones are continuing to harden as well. 

Sunday, June 9, 2013

32 Weeks

Two months to go. Time is flying by. My doctor's visit went well this week. My belly is measuring 30 inches and I've gained a couple pounds since my last checkup 2 weeks ago. Still haven't hit the 30 pounds gained mark yet. I bet I will on my next visit in 2 weeks. Baby's heartbeat was steady at 150 beats per minute, the doctor said she's growing and doing just fine.

What a fine time of my pregnancy to be able to really take part in National Donut Day this past week. I celebrated, of course, by heading to Krispy Kreme and getting a half dozen donuts. That lasted me a couple days. I'm still eating the hell out of some watermelon and ice cream too! Hooray for summer!

If I hadn't mentioned it before, Regan (Derek's 16 year old cousin) took a photo-journalism class in school this year. Her project was focused on the creation and preparation of the nursery. She presented it last week and got the highest grade in the class. The pictures she took are wonderful and will be a great addition to the memory of our baby. In addition to her project, she agreed to take some maternity shots of me. We had so much fun taking different pictures and poses around Fredericksburg. I can't wait to share some when we finish editing. We plan to take more in the pool and at the beach in the next few weeks, so stay tuned.

Baby measures about 16 inches long and weighs just under 4 pounds. She's likely to be in the head-down position now, getting ready for her decent - the journey down the birth canal. She's definitely been moving enough... at this point, she's probably feeling even more cramped in there! Literature says that I'll be gaining about a pound a week and roughly half of that  goes right to the baby. She's continuing to fatten up. She also now has toenails, fingernails, and real hair (or at least respectable peach fuzz).

Sunday, June 2, 2013

31 Weeks

Two months until my due date! Two months until we meet our little girl! The weeks are flying by even faster it seems. I've still been feeling great, just getting bigger as the baby gets fatter. Summer is finally here and the pool is open. Yay! Friday I got to lounge around the pool and didn't forget to sunblock my big belly. Getting on the raft was interesting, but I made it. To get sun on my back, I guess I'll have to "test drive" some floating rings to fit my belly in over the next two months....

I'm so glad summer is here and the watermelon is plentiful. I ate an entire watermelon in two days. Okay, I let Derek have a few bites. The weather was in the 90s so cold watermelon really hit the spot! I also needed ice cream, due to the heat of course, so I crushed up some Oreos and made my own Cookies and Cream milkshakes over the weekend. Sunday brunch with two of my favorite ladies at Arties completed my wonderful week. I wanted every item on the brunch menu, but settled for the french toast drizzled in fruit and yogurt. Who knew that you could order appetizers for brunch? We know now and tried lemon blueberry muffins and sticky buns. Needless to say, we all left feeling pregnant!

Pineapple: At week 31, baby's about 16 inches long and weighs almost 3.5 pounds. She's also going through major brain, nerve and eye development. Her irises even react to light. All five of her senses are now in working order! Plus, our little girl's body temperature is not partially being regulated by parts of her brain. Her bones, with the exception of the skull, are hardening too.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

30 Weeks

10 weeks (or less) to go! The final weeks begin and the more excited we get! I'm sure these summer months are going to fly by. A couple days late for this post, sorry. Derek and I visited PA again to see Don and Sam's new house and celebrate Memorial Day. Then I ended up getting a cold.... I'm feeling a little better today and got the energy to blog. So what's new? I've been feeling great and baby's movements have been more prominent. Not only did Sam get to feel Baby Girl Newton wiggle, it was so strong that we could see her kicking! Pregnancy is an amazing, wonderful thing and I'm loving every minute of it!

After another doctor's visit this past Thursday, baby's heartbeat is strong and my belly is measuring at 29 inches. The doctor did confirm that everything with the second glucose test is fine. She also mentioned starting to look into a pediatrician. I also found out that I've gained almost 30 pounds! I've been staying pretty busy so I haven't really gotten to "treat" myself to anything like ice cream sundaes or donuts this week. Although I've wanted peanut butter almost every day.

Baby is the size of a head of cabbage (yuck) measuring almost 16 inches long and weighs about 3 pounds this week. Her skin continues to get smoother while her brain is getting wrinklier, to make way for all the essential brain tissue. Even though she's so small, she is strong enough to grasp a finger now!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

29 Weeks

I returned to the doctor to have the three hour glucose test done. I got a little dizzy after the second blood draw and was a lot more thirsty than I was hungry. I hammered through it and read to pass the time. I got the results the following day and everything is fine. They didn't mention anything about my iron this time but I'll continue taking the supplement until I see the doctor this week for my next check up. My poor arms are still a little bruised though :(

Overall, I've been feeling wonderful. Sleeping is getting more difficult though. I wake a lot during the night because I can't get comfortable. What in the heck am I going to do for the next 2.5 months if it's getting like this now? Guess I'll cross that bridge when I get there. I stayed busy this week with the doctors visit, a day of fun yard work and planting flowers with my wonderful grandparents and a day trip to Richmond where I got some cute little outfits for the baby at a consignment shop in Carytown.

Squash: At week 29, baby is getting plumper. Right now she measures about 16 inches long and weighs almost 3 pounds. She still has a long way to go, and will be tripling her weight before birth. Needless to say, she's going to start getting a little more cramped in the Bump Hotel. Some of her movements are amazing and you can see them, not just feel them! I'm pretty sure she had the hiccups too. Muscles and lungs are continuing to mature, and baby's head is growing bigger to make room for her developing brain.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

28 Weeks

Whoa! Third trimester already? The time is flying by and only 3 more months to go. Derek and I are getting extremely excited for this little girl to get here. She's been moving a lot more. I'm pretty sure she's doing somersaults in my belly sometimes. Derek got to feel a really big karate kick the other night :)

I went to the doctor for my final second trimester appointment this week. We heard the baby's heartbeat at 152 beats per minute and my belly measured at 27 inches, just perfect! I had to do the infamous glucose test and blood draw too. The next day I got a call and the doctor said that my glucose level was a little high, so I have to go back this week and take another one! Ugh, this one I have to fast for and I'll be getting blood drawn every hour for three hours! I'll have to make sure my phone and iPad are fully charged to kill that much time! The second test is just a precautionary measure to double check the first test results. Hopefully when I get the results of the second glucose test, things will be good to go. The doctor also said that my iron was a little low, so I have to start taking a supplement for that now. Boo! Guess I wasn't eating enough leafy greens. Who knew that banana splits, Krispy Kreme donuts and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches had a lot of sugar and not enough iron?!?!

From here on out, baby is fattening up. I gained another 7 pounds since my last appointment. This little girl is beginning to take me out of my comfort zone. Normally, about another 10 pounds is gained in the third trimester, so I'm starting to worry about what my bikinis are going to look like on me this summer.... YIKES! About the size of an eggplant, she's over two pounds and about 15 inches long. Her skin has a smoother and less wrinkled appearance too. Plus, her eyes, which can open and close now, can sense changes to light in the womb

Sunday, May 5, 2013

27 Weeks

Greetings from Sarasota Florida! Getting to spend a long weekend with my Mom was wonderful. We decorated her new home, layed by the pool and visited two beaches; Siesta Beach which has powdery white sand and light blue waters and Venice Beach, known for its blackish sand and warm gulf waters. My bump got some tan :)

My bump also got to eat! Eston and I went to Taco Bus in Tampa; it was featured on Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives. It was surely a dump but tacos from a bus never tasted so good! When we visited Siesta Beach, we wen t to an Amish owned Ice Cream Shop and I got two big scoops of black cherry in a waffle cone. Happy Belly = Happy Mommy!

Only 3 months to go and Baby Newton is almost 2 pounds and 15 inches long! She is sleeping and waking at regular intervals, opening and closing her little eyes, and perhaps even sucking her fingers. With more brain tissue developing, baby's brain is very active now.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

26 Weeks

Busy week! I've been painting and decorating like crazy. The nursery is nearly complete. All it requires are items from our registry and a baby girl! Derek and I are so getting so excited. I'm almost in the home stretch and will soon be in the third trimester. I can't believe she's going to be here in about 3 months! <3

Pineapples and tater tots. Another banana split or two. I had the pleasure of dining with some girl friends at Sweetwater last week. That was an awesome treat! I've gained a couple more pounds and I'm still feeling really good. Sleeping is starting to get a little interrupted, other than having to get up and pee once every night. I'm finding it harder to stay comfortable on my back for long and I've never been one to sleep on my stomach but now that I totally can't... I want to!

Baby Newton is squirming so much more lately too! Not only have I had the pleasure of feeling her every time, but she's gotten big enough that Derek can feel her movements and others have too. It's such an amazing thing when I'm sitting there and I can actually see a little poke at my belly :)

Cucumber: She's getting longer and stronger! This week baby girl weighs about 2 pounds and measures almost 14 inches from head to toe. Her eyes will open this week and she'll start to produce surfactant, the fatty substance that coats the inside lining of the lungs' tiny air sacs. Her skin has developed its color as well, because her body is now making melanin. She's getting her immune system ready for life on the outside by soaking up Mommy's antibodies.

Monday, April 22, 2013

25 Weeks

Almost 6 months pregnant and feeling great! The nursery just needs to have decor hung on the walls, the invitations for our Baby Bump Open House have been sent out and I've only got two more weeks before I'm seeing the doctor every 2 weeks for the last trimester of the pregnancy. I keep wondering if we picked out enough for the baby registry, although there's already so much on there for such a little baby! It's crazy how many things a baby needs. She's been moving around a lot lately. I guess because of her getting so big I'll be feeling her more and more as the weeks go by.

Yummy Banana Splits made my tummy happy this week. I also got a sugar rush from Crumbs Bake Shop while we visited Philly this past weekend. Little girl seemed to also love the Shake Shack burger and cheese fries. She got to try it for the first time with her Aunt Sam and Uncle Peter ;)

Eggplant: Baby measures 14 inches long and over a pound and a half. During week 25, her nervous system is rapidly developing, and she's enjoying her new sense of equilibrium, knowing which way is up and which is down. Plus, she's growing more hair too! Will she have Mommy's hair color or Daddy's? The suspense of what she will look like is building.

Monday, April 15, 2013

24 Weeks

Some serious nesting has been going on in the Newton house this week! Here's a before and after of the chair I recovered last week. Luckily I was able to find a before shot for all of you that have been wondering. I've been sewing the crib skirt and crib rail guards too and the nursery is really coming together. We just love it!

I got a wonderful deal for a Pottery Barn changing pad with two covers at this cute little consignment shop in Vienna. Then I got perfectly matching colors for the crib sheets and curtains to coordinate with the glider fabric! Can you tell I'm a little excited? I can't wait for more people to see it, but only if you come visit, because I don't want to take a bunch of pictures until I've got the walls decorated too.

I had an appointment this past week for my 24 week checkup. Can you believe only a few more weeks and I'll be in my third trimester? Then my appointments are every two weeks instead of once a month. This appointment was fairly uneventful, since the pregnancy is going so well. We got to hear the baby's heartbeat and it was pounding at the wonderful rate of 150 beats per minute. The doctor measured my belly and it's 23 inches - growing week by week! I've gained a total of 20 pounds so far. That is a scary milestone! I have another appointment in a month and there will be a bunch of lab work and the glucose test. I've heard that's not something I'm going to like the taste of! Maybe by next visit they can make the drink taste like cupcakes?

Corn: Not a lot of change in size this week; baby still ranges about a foot long and weighing just over a pound. Her see-through skin is gradually becoming less translucent and is starting to look more opaque, like ours, but with the beauty of a new pink glow, thanks to the small capillaries that have recently formed. There's a lot happening inside the little girl as well, and while her lungs have developed, they couldn't work outside the womb yet. But the fact that her lungs are fully formed means that she's closer to being ready to survive (and thrive!) in the outside world!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

23 Weeks

This week was tiring. Little Girl was growing and wearing me out! She continues to move all around and make me aware of her multiple times a day. I finally got to recover the glider that Derek's sister gave me and I couldn't be more proud of a job well done, for a beginner! The fabric I found is so bright and fun, I just know that the baby is going to love it. I should have taken a "before" picture, but I didn't; so here's the finished product.

I finally got some more donuts this week.... twice! It's my one pregnancy treat and it's been a pleasure enjoying the warm fried dough every now and then. I never craved or wanted a donut before, so hopefully it's an easy habit to break once the baby is here. This week I have eaten enough pineapple and cherry tomatoes to feed an army. It's so weird that there are foods that can taste so good all the sudden and I just can't get enough of them.

Grapefruit: Just over a foot long and weighing between 16 and 20 ounces, she's getting bigger. Plus, she's getting cuter! Ears start to develop and her face and eyes are forming. Now having her inner ear mechanism fully formed, known as the cochlea; baby's more aware of my voice and heartbeat, as well as loud sounds, such as cars honking and dogs barking. At 23 weeks, her nipples are forming, as well as the blood vessels in her lungs to prepare for breathing.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

22 Weeks

Hello Outtie! I've never seen you before! Nice to meet you; just promise to go back to the way you used to be after Miss Newton has arrived. Deal? What a new way to start week 22. The second trimester has been nothing but growth! Makes me happy! I feel the baby moving and squirming more and more. She really likes to dance at night when I lay down for bed. It's soothing and I just lay and rub her....

She continues to grow so I continue to eat. This past week we got to spend a long weekend at the beach and I got my fill of Tortuga's Lie Nachos and Plaza Azteca's enchiladas. One day I had a chocolate milkshake and a glazed donut only hours apart....

Papaya: During month 5, the average fetus measures almost 12 inches and weighs anywhere from 13 to 20 ounces. During my sonogram a few weeks ago, the doctor said that Baby Newton weighed around 10 ounces, so I'm assuming that since a couple weeks have passed, she's at least 15 ounces now! Her eyes and lips are more developed and she's looking even more like a newborn. Baby is sleeping in cycles - about 12-14 hours per day! What a lucky, lazy lady! Tiny tooth buds are developing beneath her gums too.

Monday, March 25, 2013

21 Weeks

Another week flying by and this little girl is moving even more! This past week Derek and I registered for all of her things! How does someone so small need so much stuff? Cute stuff too! I've been organizing and putting things away. The nursery is really coming together because we've got the changing table/dresser combo and the crib already. It's all so exciting!

No real changes this week, other than the bigger belly and wider hips! Cravings are not that exciting, other than me just eating every couple hours. Pineapple was a treat that really satisfied along with bowls of cereal and chocolate chip cookies.

Carrot: The babe is almost 11 inches long and weighs over a pound! Yay! She's big enough that I've been really feeling her movements too. As her digestive system preps for the outside world, she's manufacturing meconium - the tarry black substance we'll find in her first dirty diapers (ew)! Amazingly, she's already got a lifetime supply of eggs in her womb - about 6 million of them! She just keeps getting more and more amazing :)

Monday, March 18, 2013

20 Weeks

Halfway there! I've been feeling great and the Little Girl is moving all around and letting me know about it! We've been so excited about having a baby girl and we've been discussing names and can't wait to get out there and start shopping and planning the nursery. My belly is starting to grow faster and noticeably larger week by week. Apparently, I can put on a pound a week for here until the end of the pregnancy. Oh Boy! My sweet tooth continues to make me smile and I'm still  happy that nothing is too weird with my eating habits. So far no pickles and ice cream or any of that other silly stuff. I think it's been a couple weeks since I've gotten a donut; I better get on that soon!

Banana: Baby Girl weighs about 11 ounces and measures 6.5 inches long. She's still got a lot of growing to do though. Baby's using her taste buds finally and she's gulping down several ounces of amniotic fluid each day - that's significantly more than before. This swallowing is good practice for her digestive system.